Diakurd condemns the terrorist attack in Paris

Diakurd condemns the terrorist attack in Paris

The Ahmet Kaya Cultural Center and two nearby Kurdish shops in Paris have been attacked by a 69-year-old gunman, causing three deaths and several serious injuries. The perpetrator could be stopped by Kurds who saw the cold-blooded terror attack and was handed over to the French security forces.

The French Minister of the Interior issued a statement saying that the terror attack had a racist motive. As you know, there was a similarly planned attack against three Kurdish female activists 10 years ago. That time, the Turkish secret police MIT commissioned the murders. The French police have unfortunately put a lid on the legal process.

Over 2 million Kurds live in the European countries. The majority of Kurds have European citizenship and are well established in these countries. The Kurdish diaspora is an active group that follows and participates in political life. The political situation in all parts of Kurdistan is being noticed by the international community.

Nearly 50 million Kurds are fighting for their freedom and rights. But the occupation states Turkey, Iran want to crush the struggle by all means. In addition, these countries are very concerned about the presence and activities of the Kurdish diaspora in Europe. Therefore, they are not afraid to use open violence against Kurds in order to intimidate or provoke Kurds.

The attack in Paris may very well have been ordered by the Turkish secret police. They have motives for it. Another reason is the circumstances surrounding the upcoming presidential election in Turkey. Erdogan wants to win the upcoming election at all costs. Attacking and threatening Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, Syria is therefore his strong card to get nationalist votes. He also wants to force the European countries to tighten existing laws to stop the activities of the Kurdish diaspora.

Regardless of whether the attack in Paris was racially motivated or initiated by Erdoğan’s secret police, we appeal to the French government and its security forces to immediately investigate and issue a statement on the underlying cause of this attack.

We want to warn all involved countries in Europe to tighten the control on the activities of the Turkish and Iranian intelligence services before it is too late and no one can stop the chaos that may arise.

23 December 2022

DIAKURD – Kurdish Diaspora Confederation
