Halabja 16.3.1988

The Halabja Chemical attack will not be forgotten!

34 years ago, on March 16, 1988, the Iraqi fascist regime attacked Halabja with chemical weapons. As a result of the massacre, more than 5,000 civilian Kurds were martyred and tens of thousands were injured or displaced. The environment was also poisoned and the trees, grass, and all animals were destroyed by the attack.

The chemical attack on Halabja and other areas of Kurdistan were part of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist regime’s Anfal operation to commit genocide against the Kurdish people. The Anfal massacre and chemical attack are still a serious threat to the lives of the people of the region. Many of the martyrs of Anfal are still missing or have not been returned to the territory of Kurdistan. The impact of that tragedy is still due to the premature death of the people of the region, and a significant part of the children are born sick and disabled.

The invaders of Kurdistan have used chemical gas and other mass-destruction weapons against our people in all parts of Kurdistan. The governments of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria have killed more than a million Kurds over the past hundred years and are still pursuing the policy of genocide against Kurdish nation.

We call on the International Community and all Human Rights Organizations around the world not to close their eyes to the violation of legitimate rights of the Kurdish people, and to stop the attacks by the Regimes of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria against the Kurds. We call on the United Nations and all democratic governments to formally recognize the Halabja chemical attack and the Anfal massacre as genocide.

We remember the martyrs of the Halabja massacre and all of Kurdistan with respect.

Executive Committee of the Kurdish Diaspora Confederation – Diakurd
