Erdogan Putin

Diakurd strongly condemns Turkish state’s aggression and occupation of southern and western Kurdistan

For a long time, the Turkish fascist state has been pouring all its anger on the South and West Kurdistan. It has been intensifying its attacks with the air and ground forces since the April 17th.

The Turkish state and Erdogan’s dictatorial regime are in a very serious crisis. Turkey’s economy and politics have collapsed, and the regime is losing blood every day.

Early general elections are on Turkey’s agenda today. It is clear that Erdogan and his racist ally the MHP will suffer greatly in the upcoming elections. They are hoping to save themselves from this crisis and maintain their power by raising the level of racism in Turkey, by attacking the Kurds.

The statue of the Kurdistan Region has always been a thorn for the Turkish state. Their aim is to undermine the achievements of the Kurdish people and to discredit the administration of the Kurdistan Region.

The Turkish state violates all international conventions by its attacks and operations within terroteria of neighbour countries. We call on the international community, the United Nations, the European Union, and NATO to stop the Turkish state from invading and intervening in South and West Kurdistan. The international community must strongly condemn the occupier regime and impose economic and military sanctions against Turkey.

Executive board of Kurdish Diaspora Confederation – Diakurd

