Kurdistan oil and gas

Kurdistan’s gas and oil can guarantee the needs of western countries

After the war between Russia and Ukraine, the world’s political atmosphere has changed completely. Western countries expressed their displeasure at the diplomatic level against Russia’s attacks, but they could not prevent the war. Of course, economic relations in this area, the dependency of European countries on Russian gas and oil, did not allow them to actively oppose Russia. After the war came to the door, the countries of Europe were forced to take a stricter stance against Russia. This position caused Russia to restrict gas and oil supplies to European countries.

Russia uses its gas and oil as a deadly weapon in its foreign policy. It has become clear to everyone that Russia is no longer only concerned with Ukraine, some small countries around Russia are also under threat. It is clear that the economic relations between Russia and Western countries, especially Europe, are no longer returning to their old days.

European countries may have several projects and alternatives for oil and natural gas. One of the sources of energy is in the Caspian Sea. But this is also under the monopoly of Russia because they have signed agreements with different countries around the Sea. According to the agreements, the extraction and sale of gas and oil is under the influence of Russia. Russia will never allow those countries to export their oil and gas resource freely.

The question of obtaining gas and oil is discussed as an important question in the agenda of the international community. One of the alternatives that can attract the attention of Western countries and especially European countries is Kurdistan’s gas and oil resources, which can save Western countries from Russia’s influence. Yes, especially for Europe, the best and most sustainable alternative is to take advantage of the opportunity to invest and import Kurdistan’s oil and gas.

It is necessary to draw attention to Kurdistan’s gas and oil in the public opinion of western countries with detailed information. Although the western countries are in urgent and sensitive search to solve the energy issue, but the problem cannot be solved in a short time. Western countries must find a solution as soon as possible. According to the knowledge and findings of the authorities of South Kurdistan, Kurdistan’s gas and oil can meet the needs of European countries for decades.

Therefore, we want to bring Kurdistan’s gas and oil to the agenda of Western countries, especially European countries, as a permanent and safe alternative. Russia, Iran and Turkey are trying to prevent this alternative with their positions, but the western world has possibility to take the necessary measures. We hope that the western countries consider this alternative, in order to reduce themselves from Russia’s dependency.

The importance of Kurdistan’s gas and oil as an alternative to the world can also accelerate to find a political solution for the Kurdish question in the four parts of Kurdistan.

Executive board of Kurdish Diaspora Confederation – Diakurd
