Sweden and Nato

Open letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström

Turkey has launched a large-scale air strike against Kurdish targets in Syria and Iraq. Turkey uses the airspace of Syria controlled by American and Russian troops for its airstrikes. So far, over 35 civilians have lost their lives and many civilian buildings such as hospitals, schools, electricity and water lines have been totally destroyed by the attacks.

It is extremely regrettable that both Stoltenberg and Billström are trying to justify Turkey’s war against Kurds in Iraq and Syria. According to them, “Turkey has the right to protect itself against terrorist attacks.”

Firstly; Turkey has not been subjected to any terrorist attack by Kurdish groups. Erdogan is just using the current political situation to continue its war against the Kurds.

Second; Turkey is attacking another country’s territory and sovereignty.

For the third; Turkey’s warfare has caused tens of civilian casualties and widespread destruction of public buildings.

We who live and have citizenship in various European countries are very upset by Stoltenberg’s and Billström’s reasoning.

Your statement is not correct. It is also remarkable that you do not show consideration for the millions of Kurds who suffer from the Turkey’s violation of human rights and military attacks.

The Kurdish people have the right to live in peace like all other nations in the world.

Both NATO and Sweden should respect the right of the Kurdish people to exist and be protected by the international conventions and the international community.

Turkey obviously wants to escalate its warfare with ground troops as well.

We want to warn you of the consequences.

This could create total chaos, major war throughout the Middle East with serious consequences. Such a development will affect the European order because millions of Kurds live as citizens in these countries.

Erdogan’s regime has repeatedly violated international law by invading other countries’ territory and continues its atrocities.

We urge you to stop justifying Turkey’s aggression.

We call on you to condemn and stop ongoing aggression against Kurds.

The rule of law and democracy must also apply to the Kurdish people.

Take your responsibility!

Condemn Turkey’s aggression!

Stop the killing!


DIAKURD – Kurdish Diaspora Confederation
