Light a candle for Halabja and all other genocide victims of Kurdistan!

The Halabja massacre took place 35 years ago. On March 16, 1988. The Iraqi regime attacked Halabja with chemical weapons. This attack resulted in the death of more than 5,000 civilians, and injured another 10,000, many of the victims died later from illnesses caused by the poison gas.

The persecution of the Kurds has not yet stopped. In all 4 parts of Kurdistan; From East to West, from North to South Kurdistan, human rights violations are being committed. The Kurds are everywhere exposed to imprisonment, executions, elimination of political activists, as well as confiscation of various

The fight for Kurdish rights is not yet over. We remember the victims of the large attacks but let us also remember the small daily attacks.

We call on the international human rights organizations to pay attention to the regimes’ violations of the rights of the Kurds in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria We call on the democratic countries to work for a resolution from the UN that recognizes the Halabja massacre and the Anfal process as genocide and protects the Kurds’ right to self-determination under the UN mandate.

Please let us each light a candle for the victims of Halabja and Kurdish genocide in general.

Kurdish Diaspora Confederation – Diakurd
