Kurd Kurdî Kurdistan

Diakurd starts the judicial process against the Lausanne Agreement

On July 24, 2023, total of hundred years is over the Lausanne Treaty. The states that signed the treaty violated the principles of international law, causing a people to be deprived of their fundamental rights and freedoms. After the World War I, many new states were established, nations were liberated, and a new world order was created. Contrariwise, the Kurdish people were taken into captivity in Lausanne; the Kurds were not even given the right to express themselves, they were not allowed to be represented either. After the agreement, the representatives of the Turkish state established a “peace” by putting their own political interests at the centre. This “peace” was established on the denial of the Kurdish people. The founders of the future Turkish state, who said, “We also represent the Kurds, the Kurds have an equal say in the Turkish parliament and the government with the Turks,” denied even the existence of the Kurdish nation right after they founded their own state.

As a result of this agreement, the Kurds were deprived of their national rights for a hundred years. Hundreds of thousands of Kurds were massacred, millions of Kurds were exiled, thousands of villages were burned and destroyed, Kurdistan was turned into an area of assimilation. Historical artifacts were taken from Kurdistan and those that could not be taken were left under water. The nature of Kurdistan, a forest country, has been destroyed and is being destroyed.

DIAKURD (Kurdish Diaspora Confederation) has decided to apply to the judiciary for the end of the usurpation of rights in the Lausanne Treaty and for the Kurdish people to use the right of self-determination, which is a mandate rule in international law, namely Jus Cogens. Our lawyer has submitted a written petition to the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Turkey to meet this request. If we do not receive a positive response within the legal period, we inform the public opinion that we will apply to domestic court first and then to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

May 4, 2023

Kurdish Diaspora Confederation – Diakurd

Kurdî: Diakurd li dijî peymana Lozanê dest bi pêvajoya dadgeriyê dike
Türkçe : DIAKURD Lozan Anlaşmasına karşi yargi sürecini başlatıyor
