

Any federation, associations and organizations existing legally in diaspora and fulfilling the following conditions can become a member of the Diakurd.

Diakurd’s member organizations

  1. Accept and support the present constitution of the Diakurd as it is.
  2. Recognize the Kurds as a nation with their own National Flag, National Hymn and their right to self-determination and independent Kurdish State.

In countries, where Kurdish organizations haven’t established a federation, other existing civil society organizations can apply for membership.

Membership is requested by writing a formal letter attached by official registration note, names of the board members and the list of member associations.

Federations and other civil society organizations that apply for membership between two General Assemblies and are approved by the Executive Committee can participate in the work and committees of the executive board as a semi-candidate.

The executive board decides on the membership application and sends written response to them. If the membership application is not approved, the reasons must be specified in writing.
